Friday, September 20, 2013

IPOPT as non-linear solver for MATLAB

You have a non-linear problem to solve but not the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox?
  1. First download the IPOPT mex and m-files, and extract to your MATLAB search path.
  2. Make an m-file that defines your objective and constraints, gradient and Jacobian.
  3. Credit for MATLAB brush: Will Schleter. Thanks!
  4. Other non-linear solvers for MATLAB
  5. Perfect for solving a staggered mesh.
  6. If you were using Python you could use optimization routines in SciPy.
function [x,info] = myNonLinearProblem(x0, auxdata)
%MYNONLINEARPROBLEM Solves my non-linear problem
% returns solution, X, and INFO to my non-linear problem
% X0 is the initial guess
% AUXDATA are any additional arguments my non-linear problem
% requires

x0 = x0(:); % initial guess

%% constraints
%set all of your equations as constraints
funcs.constraints = @constraints;
% constraints require a Jacobian
funcs.jacobian = @jacobian;
% Jacobians require a sparsity structure
funcs.jacobianstructure = @jacobianstructure;
% set upper and lower bounds of constraints to zero = zeros(size(x0)); % lower bounds = zeros(size(x0)); % lower bounds

%% objective
% set the objective sum of the squares
funcs.objective = @objective;
% objective requires a gradient
funcs.gradient = @gradient;

%% options
% set Quasi-Newton option
options.ipopt.hessian_approximation = 'limited-memory';

%% solve
[x,info] = ipopt_auxdata(x0,funcs,options);

% x & auxdata must be passed as only args to
% objective, gradient, constraints and jacobian

function f = objective(x,auxdata)
% objective is the sum of the squares of the residuals
f = residual(x,auxdata);
f = f(:);
f = f'*f;

function g = gradient(x,auxdata)
[f,j] = residual(x,auxdata);
f = f(:);
g = f'*j;

function f = constraints(x,auxdata)
f = residual(x,auxdata);
f = f(:);

% Jacobian and Jacobian structure must be sparse

function j = jacobian(x,auxdata)
% rows correspond to each constraint
% columns correspond to each x
[~,j] = residual(x,auxdata);
j = sparse(j);

function j = jacobianstructure(x)
% x is the only arg passed to Jacobian structure
% assuming closed system of equations
% # of constraints = degrees of freedom
% therefore Jacobian matrix will be square
j = sparse(ones(size(x)));

% put the equations and their derivatives here
% unfortunately IPOPT is not a Jacobianless solver :(

function [f,j] = residuals(x,auxdata)
% calculate your residuals here
% f1(x,auxdata) = lhs1(x,auxdata) - rhs1(x,auxdata) = 0
% f2 = ...
% j1(x,auxdata) = [df1/dx1, df1/dx2, ...]
% j2 = ...

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