Box for large files
Box offers 10gb of online storage for free, double what anyone else offers, with an individual max size of 2gb, but you can only upload 250mb files. So how do you upload that 2gb file? The Box API that's how, either with regular ol' requests or their fancy smancy sdk. First follow the Getting Started instructions, sign up for a developer account and create a temporary key. Then in Python, try this out:
# import the requests package import requests # copy your token here TOKEN = "<your developer token>" # try to get the top level folder, id: "0", using this command exactly as below: r = requests.get(url='', headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN}) # check the response r # <Response [200]> # success! # get the output r.json() # lots of stuff # upload a file, using the commands exactly as below, except put the actual id number # of the desired folder FILES = {'file': open('path/to/myfile','rb')} PAYLOAD = {'attributes': '{"name":"myfile", "parent":{"id":"<id # of desired folder>"}}'} r ='', headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % TOKEN}, files=FILES, data=PAYLOAD) # check the response r # <Response [201]> # success!
Check the online Content API reference for full documentation.