If you add a new field to a Django model with the Meta option tag 'unique_together' in a project that uses a backend sqlite3 database, then you will get the following error from South when you try to migrate it:
"object reserved for internal use"And also that South can't roll back the changes to a sqlite3 database. So unless you had a backup you're hosed.
Luckily you backed up your database before applying the changes right? So restore it and now try this:
- Remove the offending meta option tag.
- Migrate the change to the model.
- Restore the meta tag option and migrate again.
Did it work? If it didn't guess you'll have to wait for Django-1.7 or switch to a more robust backend database. It did work for me, this time at least, but who knows about next time. Can't wait for Django-1.7. Can't wait for Sphinx-1.3 too, for that matter. Check out Napoleon! No more bizarre doc strings. Numpy/Google style here we come . . .